Steve Wentworth

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[email protected]

I am a native New Mexican and resident of the Alameda/north valley area of Albuquerque. I concentrate on wildlife and environmental work documenting what I see in an area.

Most of my photography is done within a short radius of Albuquerque. I take photos because I enjoy the process and find it challenging to get good photos of wildlife that I can share with others – no esoteric or obscure reasons.

I try to capture the detail and beauty of the living environment as I experience it and I reproduce the image in a natural and realistic manner while trying to bring out the detail and color that is already there. All animals were photographed in natural light and were free and wild. I am always amazed at what we can see if we only take the time to be still and look around.

I share my work with different government groups, educational institutions, the Sierra Club and other environmental groups . I do some public events like the Gathering of Nations and some journalistic work for UNM.