President’s Message

First a big thank you to Sandra Cordless who was on the committee for the 2024 Fine Arts Show where not only was it a beautiful hung show but we had a record number of pieces sold, generating much needed funds for the historic Old Church. She also hosted a very informative workshop on how to Photograph your artwork which was free for our members.
I also want to thank Tom Bolt for not only helping with Art in the Park but for stepping up to be the committee for the Winter Craft Show. This show is set for the first weekend in December and we appreciate his help in organizing this show again this year.
Speaking of Art in the Park, do you remember the Galloping goats project? It raised over $5,000 to help bring arts into the village and our very own Justin and Pat Kirby were the artists behind the goats. Thank you for making these very cute goats!
Thank you to Paul Rodenhauser for running the artists spotlight at the Corrales Library – and for volunteering to run it again in 2025!!!
I also want to personally thank Jessi Penrod for taking over the second art in the park when I bailed… I really appreciate her friendship and for her allowing me to participate in a show I’ve been wanting to do for 17 years.
And, finally, we couldn’t do any of this without the amazing board. Everyone is so supportive and willing to take on any of the mundane jobs we must do to run, from our treasurer Doreen Garten to our web people, Beth Larsen and Pat Kirby, to our CAST director Beth Waldron. I appreciate each and every one of you!
Jenn Noel
President of CSA
2025 Board of Directors and Committee Members
President: Jenn Noel, [email protected]
Vice President: Beth Waldron-Yuhas, [email protected]
Secretary: Pam Elam, [email protected]
Treasurer: Doreen Garten, [email protected]
At Large Members
Rick Snow, [email protected]
Martha Rajkay, [email protected]
Linda Dillenback, [email protected]
David Pagnani, [email protected]
Mark Keeling, [email protected]
Social Media
Contact: Amy M. Ditto, [email protected]
Editors: Pat Kirby, Liz Steltzer, Doreen Garten, Beth Larsen