Magdalena Sandor

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Acrylic Painting
[email protected]

My paintings are a caricature of myself and are often satirical in nature. I rely heavily on emotions of frustration, sadness, self-consciousness, and love to first visualize shapes and colors. I first roughly sketch out my initial visualizations on paper and make notes about color and then transfer the very rough outlines to a canvas or wood panel and then begin to paint. The rough shape/color follows the plan, but the rest of the painting process is spontaneous and is the result of how each layer is building to create the feeling of what was originally visualized and felt. I have always been interested in art, but don’t have any formal training in arts or painting. I started to paint in 2016 as a hobby, which eventually grew more seriously as I found more joy in creating new pieces. My works are often very colorful and bold that counter strongly with my introverted nature.  Bright colors bring me the most happiness and my work is meant to be loud and ridiculous, which I hope brings joy to others that see it.