Leah Henriquez Ready

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Jewelry - Non-Precious
[email protected]

I create beaded art dolls and jewelry. I was drawn to the medium of beads because they sparkly and because their many sizes and colors allow me the variety I crave. I like the intricacy that beadwok involves and the meditative quality that is associated with working primariy with small glass objects and obsessively and compulsively stitching them together. I enjoy working with different stitches and exploring how one stitch interacts with or expands another stitcuy. I am inspired by the b beauty of the world around, from deserts to seashores to gardens of colorful flowers.

My love of beads and fibers began as a child. With a jeweler father and a knitting and sewing mother, I was destined to create. Drawn to beads because they are easy to pick and put down and because they are very portable, I find that the variety of colors, textures and surfaces at my fingertips enables me to create whatever my mind imagines

I want people to smile when hold my art dolls or try on a piece of my jewelry and to appreciate my designs and use of color. I’m happiest when the repeat customer comments on many compliments she receives on her doll or piece of jewelry.