Juan Wijngaard

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Conte Crayon
Egg Tempera
Oil Painting
Wood Engraving
[email protected]

Born in Argentina to Dutch parents, Juan graduated from the Royal College of Art in London and went on to become an internationally acclaimed children’s book illustrator. Since moving to New Mexico in 2004 Juan has dedicated himself to capturing the atmosphere and beauty of his surroundings.

Reveling in the freedom of being able to choose his subject matter after years of interpreting text, Juan also embraces painting the human figure and is an avid “life-drawer” and portrait painter.

Juan paints mostly in oils but his occasional panel pieces in egg tempera are perhaps a tip of the hat to his days as an illustrator. He also creates hand-printed wood engravings of local birds and insects.

Juan’s work has been on show at the Barbican in London, The Pompidou Center in Paris, at the Doorbraak in Amsterdam, across the United States and as far away as Turkmenistan.