Amy Gann

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[email protected]

I moved to New Mexico after being fortunate enough to have lived in and traveled to many states and countries. When I began exploring my new home, I found myself truly inspired by all of the wildlife and beauty. I began to avidly photograph the scenes and wildlife before me. After several years exploring and photographing the natural world in the southwest, we hit the pandemic which forced me to stay home rather than travel for work. I was gifted canvas and easels to shift my focus from the news to something positive. I began to look through my photos and paint some of them to learn how to transform my captures into something different. All my life I have been fascinated by the beauty of wildlife and each of my paintings is influenced by a photograph I have taken. The more I painted, the more I started to play with the colors and backgrounds to take the animals I had seen and photographed into a new view. I wanted to transform the skills I gained from mimicking the photographs into paint into something compelling and vivid. Each photo features different animals and perspectives, so I try to transform that view into something more unique, graphic, and evocative.