Beth Larsen

Nov 3, 2022

Please introduce yourself and describe your background

 I’m from the Midwest but made my way to New Mexico a few years after college.

I instantly loved New Mexico’s culture, land, and climate. For many years, I worked in marketing but became very interested in the importance of art education when my daughter was young. This led me to run a nonprofit art education organization for children for 9 years.  Years of attending inspiring the organization’s lectures and learning about art history and art-making techniques inform my work.  I’ve taken local art classes and enjoyed online classes from wonderful artists all over the world.

 What is your earliest memory of creating art?

 Standing at an easel in kindergarten, painting something!

Describe your primary medium and why you’ve chosen it for your artwork

 I love the versatility of acrylic paints.  They can be vibrant, bold, or subtle and translucent. They layer beautifully.

What other media have you used?

My botanicals are created with monoprints of plant leaves and layers of paint.  I’ve also used a cyanotype process which uses blueprint chemicals and the power of the sun to leave a plant print on watercolor paper.  Some of my mixed media pieces have bits of fabric in them – a nod to my art-making beginnings in fiber arts.

Describe your artwork in 10 words or less

Acrylic / mixed media abstracts, abstract landscapes, and botanical paintings

What inspires your work?

I love exploring the expression of thoughts, experiences, and place through abstract paintings. Color, shapes, and paint help me communicate when words fall short. The process of art making is blissful and fulfilling, challenging and exciting.

If you could spend the day with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

 I’ve long been fascinated by Alexander Calder.  His work was absolutely ingenious and innovative.

Do you show your work commercially?  If so, where?

Besides the Corrales Art Studio Tour, I’ve participated in the Alameda Studio Tour as well as various exhibitions presented by the New Mexico Art League and Rio Grande Art Association.  My work has also been rented for use in the TV/film industry.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I’m a very good whistler. 😉

What advice would you offer younger artists just beginning their art career?

 This is the best time is history to be an artist!  Enjoy the journey and always remember to follow your bliss.