P.K. Williams

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While in college I was torn between a career in education or a career in art. I decided on a career in education, incorporating my art background whenever possible. In 2010 we moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico so I took that opportunity to begin a career in art.

I am a mixed media artist working with different types of materials and experimenting with various techniques. My process varies depending on the type of work I am doing; however, whichever medium I am using I start with an idea or question in mind because I typically work in a series. And rest assured, whether I am using solely acrylics or several types of mediums in a collage; my work will have many layers. I create papers for my collages using different techniques such as, printmaking, rusting or paper staining. I continue adding layers until I am happy with the piece. Each piece is an individual and I treat it as such.

I abstract my connection to a subject to create artwork which incorporates many details. In doing so, I create a style which is the opposite of minimalism motivating the viewer to look again and create personal connections to their experiences.