Greta Stockebrand
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Life has a starting point, and an ending point. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I started my life twisting and turning creatively and it made my life interesting. I’ve painted since before I could dip my hands into a jar of grape jelly and smear it on whatever was in front of me. That graduated to crayons, pencils, charcoal and paint (none of which were placed back into the box neatly.) Later, I became more controlled and learned the methods of art and design; I even earned a degree in it. I kept pushing… until I stopped.
I stopped for over a quarter of a century. I just stopped turning corners. I traveled in a straight line, which practically killed me.
Then, I took a deep breath. I inhaled from my core and turned a corner. Then another, and another. I’m going to continue on this crazy twisting path until I die. I will make every twist of color and turn of shadow stretch out the rest of my life.
When I was young, grape jelly was mystical and allowed my life color. Now, I find color gives my life flavor.