Liz Steltzer

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Oil Painting
[email protected]

I am originally from the Chicago area.  I graduated from high school in 1985 and attended the University of New Mexico as a student athlete.  I fell in love with the landscape, food and diverse culture of New Mexico.  After earning a degree in Psychology, I started to work in the field and found I needed an outlet to deal with the stress of the job. I decided to take a figure drawing class.  I loved it, struggled with it, but loved it and knew I had a passion for the visual arts.  I went back to school and earned a BFA and loved every minute of it.  Sharing the studio environment with other artists was a truly exhilarating and wonderful experience.

I focused mainly on oil painting and drawing but found myself drawn to ceramics ten years out of school.  Clay is a very different and complex medium.  I feel getting my hands dirty in the clay helps to redirect my process and often times balances my creative energy.

I find inspiration and peace in nature.    It has become my journey to share my love of nature through my artwork.