Gail Tunberg

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Colored Pencil
Oil Painting
[email protected]

Gail Tunberg is a self-taught artist and member of the Corrales Society of Artists. She and her husband, John, have lived in Corrales 28 years. They share their lives with three Brittany dogs.

Gail began drawing pictures of the family dog, horses and songbirds as soon as she could hold a crayon.

“When I was 6, I was given a paint-by number kit. I remember the scent of the paint and how it glided smoothly over the panel. I enjoyed the process of placing color on the board and blending with the brush.”

It was not until after retiring from a 30-year career as a Wildlife Biologist with USDA Forest Service that she resumed oil painting.

“I am inspired by nature, especially animals. Be open to what Nature offers. You are invited to join a moment in time, a moment in life that will never be repeated.”

Her work is featured by South Africa Department of Tourism, Corrales Writer’s Guild, Bosque Beast magazine, Anderson Scandinavian Tours, Center for Wildlife Information, Zingeli Safaris, and Benchmarks magazine.

You can view and purchase her oil paintings at Corrales Pharmacy and at