Cherrymae Golston

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Fiber Art
Quilt Wall Hangings
[email protected]

I was born and raised in Belize, Central America. My family immigrated to California in 1969 where I got my B.A. and M.A. in Spanish at the University of California at Berkeley. I moved to New York in 2003 and have been living here in Albuquerque, since January of 2013.

My artwork explores my Afro-Caribbean heritage through quilting and ceramics. I create wall-hangings and ceramic pieces with abstract designs and figurative images, focusing mainly on the female form, that draw inspiration from the bold patterns and strong colors of African and Caribbean decorative Arts.

For me, the process is as fulfilling as the final creation. First, I am inspired by the design on a piece of fabric, a color combination, the shape of a piece of pottery. Then, I embellish my piece, always taking into consideration what I have already done. Finally, in the case of my fiber arts, I employ a traditional quilting stitch, as well as stones, beads, and shells. And in the case of my ceramics, I paint and carve to provide detail and texture.