Cathy Veblen

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[email protected]

My name is Catherine Veblen and I have been throwing pottery on the wheel for over 40 years. I apply surface decoration with mason stains and oxides and I high fire my pottery to cone 5 in an electric kiln. I use both porcelain and stoneware clays. I live in Corrales, New Mexico and have a working studio and sales room at my home. My website is I also work part time for the Arts in Medicine program at the University of New Mexico Cancer Center where I offer a variety of mixed media art encounters with patients and their family members. Mixed media exploration and painting feed my excitement for surface decoration on clay.

I find that making a living as an artist is less an occupation and more a way of life. The word, creativity, refers to a thought process and an inner authority. I think that is the modality through which we can heal ourselves, our communities and learn to live in harmony with the natural world. Thank you for viewing my work.