Rick Snow

Jan 3, 2022

Please introduce yourself and describe your background

I was raised as an “army brat” all over the world.  I graduated with a degree in organic chemistry, physics and math, then immediately joined the Army.  After serving for 20 years, I retired and began working as a program manager in the private industry.  We moved to Corrales 19 years ago from the Florida panhandle when I was recruited for an executive position in an R&D tech company in Albuquerque.  For ten years, I directed development programs in “energetic” materials research, design, fabrication, and testing.  I have been a CSA artist and board member since 2005.  In my spare time, built my pottery studio and installed our commercial vineyard.  Since then I have been producing and selling unique functional and whimsical pottery, producing wine grapes for Corrales vintners, teaching private pottery in my studio, and playing golf.  Mary Anne and I recently celebrated our 47th anniversary.

My ceramic work can be seen in my Corrales studio and in the Ghostwolf Gallery in Old Town.  My grapes can be enjoyed in the wines produced by several Corrales vintners.

What is your earliest memory of creating art?

My whole family growing up was artistic and always creating things.  I do not really have a recollection of starting artistic efforts.  I started pottery twenty four years ago when we lived in Florida.

Describe your primary medium and why you’ve chosen it for your artwork

What other media have you used? I focus on producing artistic pottery that is too difficult and time-consuming for most conventional potters.  I prefer to weave porcelain baskets, masks, and finery.  I normally choose not to make common mugs, bowls and cups.

What other media have you used?

I used to make “fine” wooden furniture (armoires, tables, beds, and cabinets) for our family use.  I have also done bronze “lost wax” castings.  Years ago, I used to carve museum-quality models of “full-rigged” sailing ships.

Describe your artwork in 10 words or less

I make graceful, difficult, functional and whimsical pottery for fun.

What inspires your work?

I love making things.  I love showing a new item to other potters and having them ask me how I got it to come from the kiln in one piece.  I will sometimes work a new idea or form in my mind for weeks before trying it.  Usually, it will take me 3 or 4 attempts to make it work, some things are still in progress.

If you could spend the day with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Monet or Renoir.  They changed the art world by defining a new way of perceiving and capturing the way we can see the world.

Do you show your work commercially?  If so, where? 

Yes, I show my pottery in my studio and at the Ghostwolf Gallery in Old Town.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I am a shy and reserved person.  I had to develop ways to put myself into public and leadership positions.

What advice would you offer younger artists just beginning their art careers?

I have two recommendations.  First, have a job skill or profession that will pay to support you (food, housing, car, etc,) while you are developing you talent and art; second, learn the “business of art,” (how to promote your products, pricing, marketing, customer expectations).