Urey Lemen

Nov 7, 2021

Please introduce yourself and describe your background.

My father was in the Navy so for the first twenty years of my life our family bounced around the world.  I got my love of photography from Dad who was always taking family pictures.  Like many my age, my first camera was a Kodak Brownie.  Soon after that, I got my father’s Argus 35mm camera as a hand me down when he upgraded his camera.

What is your earliest memory of creating art?

When I was in grade school I liked to doodle images of palm trees and boats on the ocean.  Probably should have been paying attention to my teacher.

Describe your primary medium.

I tried painting, watercolor and oils but it wasn’t for me.  I think I have a “good eye” for composing images, so I went with photography.

Describe your artwork in 10 words or less.

I’m mostly a landscape and wildlife photographer.

What inspires your work?

I have always been an outdoorsman.  The beauty of the natural world is what inspires my work and my passion for photography.  I try to capture those fleeing,  magic moments of beauty in the nature world.  I am a great admirer of the work of Galen Rowel, Art Wolfe and Ansel Adams.

If you could spend the day with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Early in my profession career, I did a lot of wet darkroom black and white work.  Ansel Adams had a great influence on my work. I love his high contrast b/w work.  I wish I could have met him.

Do you show your work commercially?  If so where?

I am one of the founding members of the Albuquerque Photographers’ Gallery in Old Town at 328 San Felipe.  The gallery started in 2003, time flies!   I also take part in shows like CAST.

What advice would you offer younger artists just beginning their art careers?

My only advice would be to follow your passion and try to develop your own style.